For me, a closing is the culmination of hard work, time, attention, problem-solving, hand-holding, and a lot cheerleading. I feel honored to midwife such an important moment in people’s lives, people I become very fond of during the process.
Here’s the romance, a late November closing:
The couple was looking for a second home in Falmouth. They live full-time in Florida, in separate homes (they’re not married). She’s from the Cape and still has close friends and family here. He was looking with his son at Life, a supportive residential program in Mashpee for young adults with special needs, and thought it would be great to have a base here if his son indeed did become part of the Life community.
So the search began with simple homes in the 400’s, and ended with a stunning home for almost a million. This is great, yes? But here’s where hearts entwined: although they looked at all the homes together, weighed the pros and cons together, and raised the price range together, he made the offer as a surprise gift to her. An unforgettable moment – especially if you saw, as I did, “the light dawning” on her face when I showed up with an Offer to Purchase.
He did the paperwork for the closing in Florida while she drove up, towing a trailer with nesting essentials. Coming back to the house on Friday after the closing, and watching her start making a house a home – their home – was beyond satisfying. I know I’ll be telling this story for a long time, with new pleasure each time.
Not all closings are as dramatic as this, but I cherish each one for what it means to each buyer. Thank you ALL for giving me the privilege of helping you and the people you refer find a new house to make into a home – or to sell your home as you move on. I am blessed to have you in my life and my work.