If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’ll know that I volunteer as a docent each December for the West Falmouth Library House Tour, and you’ve seen my photos and descriptions of some of the homes. This year, as most of you already know, my own home is on tour. The time has been changed to this coming Sunday, so visitors will be able to see gardens, and homeowners can avoid what can be bad weather in December. I’m primping and polishing, pruning and pinching, so that the house will be nothing less than stunning. (And asking myself why I agreed to do this!)
Please come by! Tickets are for sale this week at the library, and at various other locations around town – Eight Cousins Bookstore, Woods Hole Market, Uncle Bill’s Country Store, West Falmouth Market, New Wave Printing and Design, and Village Trading Company.
On Sunday, tickets will be on sale at the library, along with the brochure showing the homes and addresses, and describing the unique features of each property. Tour hours are 11:00am – 4:00pm.