Along the bike path in West Falmouth…
Seen Along the Bike Path in North Falmouth
Spring on the Shining Sea Bike Path
Bike path reindeer sprouts forsythia. Happy Spring!
West Falmouth Mystery Bike
Anyone know the story behind this bike? It’s been locked up along the bike path in West Falmouth for at least the last two weeks. It’s not near any intersection that the rider could, for instance, meet a friend with a car. Or go to work. It’s just in a random place…You lock it up, take off by foot, and never come back? Got to be a story there, and I can’t be the only one wondering.
Wounded Warriors on the Bike Path
The Wounded Warriors were on the bike path this morning, with loud and fervent appreciation from people at every cross street. I didn’t know what to expect, if there would be hundreds of them, or if they would be on motorcycles roaring through. But there were only about 50-75 participants, some with obvious effects of their service, on adapted or regular non-motorized bikes. They were awesome! I was happy to cheer them on, and they were happy to be appreciated. An unanticipated moment of patriotic pride on a gorgeous first day of autumn…I didn’t have my phone with me, but here’s a link. Click Here.