Ready and waiting for the new look! I wonder what Nancy LaSalle, who was instrumental in creating the original one, would think.
Elsie the Hatmaker at Highfield Hall
Designer Rita Pacheco has put together an exhibit rich in visual delight and telling a charming story as well. Decades ago, Elsie operated her millinery business, designing and selling hats, from her front parlor in her New Bedford home. After the Church stopped requiring women to wear hats to services and demand slowed, Elsie pivoted to making beautiful brides, attendants and families. Rita also created vignettes that paired Elsie’s hats with work in the juried quilt show, “Edges”. This exhibit is the story of a woman who was ahead of her time, creating a successful business that thrived over many years and cultural and fashion changes. Come see this inspiring exhibit – but do it soon, as it closes tomorrow, Saturday, at 1:00!
Highfield Study
When I left the tapestry exhibit at Highfield, I was noticing lines and texture everywhere, especially right outside the door. I had truly thought I’d already taken every photo possible at Highfield, but apparently not. Here are some new Highfield images, very much influenced by the tapestry show.
Highfield Tapestry Show
Only up until 3/27, but go if you can. The tapestry show is stunning! How these weavers created such complex and interesting works out of fiber is astonishing. This is a world-class show, and it’s right here. Go, you’ll be glad you did!

Twelve Days of Holidays at Highfield – Day 12
“Merry Christmas to all…”
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