Falmouth is very festive on the 4th, and as always, our own hometown is host to thousands of people enjoying the holiday.
Have fun and stay safe!
Nadine Krasnow, CRS
by Nadine
Falmouth is very festive on the 4th, and as always, our own hometown is host to thousands of people enjoying the holiday.
Have fun and stay safe!
by Nadine
Going into this iconic building, welcoming the community for over a century, is always a pleasure. But for a few days in June, going up the walk sheltered by this gorgeous tree in bloom, is unforgettable. Lucky us!
by Nadine
Truth is, the weather on Memorial Day weekend can be cold and wet. But the forecast for this weekend is ideal. It’s so great to live in a place that people come to for their best times!
by Nadine
Beach biking sure looks like fun – and a great workout!
by Nadine
Wednesday was a sparkling Spring day here, gorgeous! Just smiling at the bank of deep clouds and rain showers visible on the mainland. Just another day in paradise here.
Falmouth Fine Properties Nadine Krasnow, CRS
P.O. Box 664, Falmouth, MA 02541
Office: 508-457-7552 • Mobile: 617-921-7552
Email: capecodnadine1@gmail.com