72 degrees on October 17, 5 people enjoying the warmth and quiet of Old Silver Beach. Breathing…
First Day of Autumn at Old Silver Beach
First day of Autumn, 82 degrees in Falmouth! Apparently I wasn’t the only person who thought the beach was a good idea. There wasn’t one parking space at Old Silver Beach. A perfect Cape Cod day, this is why we live here!
Old Silver Beach
Old Silver Beach last Saturday morning at 8:30. Tam and I had the beach to ourselves. It was glorious!
Spring Heat-Wave!
Who flipped the switch? All of a sudden, it’s summer! Here’s Old Silver Beach, yesterday. Air temp was 84, and the parking lot was still full at 5pm.
A Spring Sunset
A spectacular end to a spectacular day, 4/27/16, on beautiful Cape Cod!