Opening day at Seafood Sam’s, a sure sign of buh-bye Winter!! Yay, Mike Lewis and crew! New addition: car charging stations.
Spring Has Sprung!
Two weeks ago, Mark Faherty made me laugh during his Bird Report on WCAI when he said, “Spring, that cold, wet joke played on us Cape and Islands folks…” Well, today it’s officially here. We know it’s Spring, not because of the weather, but because our favorite places have reopened: The Pickle Jar Kitchen, Maison Villatte, Seafood Sam’s, Dairy Queen and Soares Flower Garden Nursery. I’ll be noshing and inhaling, I hope you will be, too. Spring has sprung, yay!
What Snow?
Doesn’t matter that snow is coming in tonight and Sunday night, Seafood Sam’s has reopened for its 45th season! Spring is on the way, regardless of white stuff falling from the sky.
Falmouth Colors: The Pickle Jar Re-Opens, 3/3/15
THE PICKLE JAR re-opens Wed!!
Let’s show our appreciation to Casey and Ben, Kevin and Elizabeth, and do lunch this week!
SEAFOOD SAM’S is also open again; reliably tasty, fresh seafood and also easy to do with kids.
Some places have robins, some have daffodils. For us, Spring is within sight when the few places that have closed for a winter break are open again.
When the owners of the Pickle Jar opened the door after a winter respite, what greeted them was this uplifting sight of a beautiful blossom on the orchid that had stayed behind. Yes, Virginia, there will be a Spring!